Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 18: June 2: Attempting to babywear....

I am not totally "crunchy" as you would call some moms. Haha! I do practice some "crunchy" parenting (co-sleeping, baby led weaning {skipping baby food and going straight to table food}, cosleeping and some others, but I wouldn't consider myself crunchy). There are a lot of things I do that crunchy moms hate such as cry it out, vaccinations and others. 
I am neutral with babywearing. It is BIG in the crunchy culture, especially here in Colorado. I just mostly held my son. I do not believe I can spoil my baby and that it delays walking. I held Hyrum a lot, then when he started crawling, he didn't want me as much anymore. Since he turned one, he has been cuddling less and less. It's hard to snuggle with an active, hyper two year old.
I'm trying to do the same thing with Anna. But it's so hard to hold her and take care of Hyrum at the same time. She is a pretty content baby and is MUCH better sleeping in her bassinet, or staying in her bouncer. Hyrum refused. In fact, I had to wash the dishes or cook and rock Hyrum by rocking the carseat with my foot at the same time! He would cry if he wasn't in my arms.
So I am trying this maya wrap and I am hoping we will master this so that I can wear Anna while taking care of Hyrum and the things around the house. So far I am not having a lot of success. She gets mad after 30 minutes of babywearing! I'll keep trying. 

This is where she sort of sits crossed legs.

30 minutes later. Angry little chicken!!!! I tried rocking and moving around. Nope nothing. 

2nd position, 2nd attempt. This is where she is in cradle hold position. Still cried 30 mins later. 

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